Saturday, January 24, 2009

The New Year's Resolution

Before 2008 ended, a good friend of mine asked me if I had any New Year's Resolution. I replied that I don't usually have any considering that I look forward to each day one day at a time. One year seems like a big year to look forward and promise something to.

But I realized that even before I was asked the question, I already had decided on one and I was just not quick enough to identify it as a New Year's Resolution. On December 20, 2008, I probably took my last drink of alcohol for about a year. I decided on December 21 that I would try (the keyword here is "try") to not drink alcohol for a year.

Considering my drinking history, it's a long shot. Several people who have known me have laughed it off. I guess I will have to believe it too when I've done it in one year. It will be a wonderful journey in the next 11 months to come.

How else to keep track and find amusement at my "adventure" but through this blog? I figured that there might be people out there wanting to stop drinking also. It might sound a little bit too drastic to just stop it for a year but why not. If you aim to do something, make it grand.

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